Category Archives: FAQs

Shorter Workouts for Strong Bones

Shorter Workouts for Strong Bones

Short on time? Do shorter workouts! Sound appealing? Short, more frequent workouts can be as effective as longer workouts for strong bones! I’m often asked, “Can I do shorter workouts if I don’t have time for a full strength training workout?” The answer is, yes! You don’t have to do the whole workout at once to get the… Continue Reading

Osteoporosis: Don’t Lift Heavy Objects, But Do Lift Heavy Weights?

Osteoporosis: Don’t Lift Heavy Objects, But Do Lift Heavy Weights?

“Why are people with osteoporosis advised not to lift heavy objects when it’s helpful to lift weights?”  Good question! There are many exercises you can do to strengthen your spine, hips, and wrist…the whole skeleton, actually, that don’t involve heavy weight lifting and work as well, without the risk of fracture. Body weight exercises in the right… Continue Reading

10 Tips for Osteoporosis Prevention Exercise

10 Tips for Osteoporosis Prevention Exercise

Women sometimes contact me on their way home from a doctor’s appointment. Their bone density scan has shown bone loss and their doctor wants to put them on medication. They’ve also been told to strength train, do weight-bearing exercise, and change their eating habits. It can be overwhelming, dealing with a bone loss diagnosis and… Continue Reading